
What Is a Skeleton Frame? | What Is Building Skeleton? | Use of Steel Frame Structures | Advantages & Disadvantage of Steel Frame Construction

Skeleton Frame

What Is a Skeleton Frame?

A skeleton frame is commonly called a framed structure. This frame is used for the construction of high-rise buildings. The frame structure consists of prepared members such as columns and connecting beams, which support various parts of the building, such as interior floors and exterior walls. This beam and column of the structure transfer the load on it to the foundations.

Different types of framed structures are used as required in different constructions. The frame structure is widely used in residency projects, commercial projects, industrial projects. The structure of this type of frame structure is the skeleton frame.

Different types of skeleton frames are used in the market as per the requirement of the building. building in a skeleton frame is shaped by connecting different beams and columns.

Materials like steel, bamboo, timber, and concrete, etc., are used for skeleton frames.

Skeleton frames were introduced in the 19th century. This type of frame was approved for rapid development and new technology in building construction in the early 20th century. In modern times the use of this frame in high-rise buildings has started to increase as per the need.

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What Is Building Skeleton?

Using this type of frame makes the interior floor layout free from immovable walls. And there is rapid and good progress in building work. Using a variety of materials for the construction of the main part of the building or the open space leads to attractive development.

The use of skeleton frames has largely diminished the importance of masonry in civil construction. Now the architect has increased the decorative role of the designer building due to the use of skeleton frames.

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What Is Steel Skeleton Frame Building?

The steel frame structure consists of vertical columns of steel and horizontal beams as required, which are riveted, welded, or even bolted to each other.

In a steel frame structure, the steel beam in the grid is the horizontal member, which transfers the structure to the load column. Columns are vertical structural members in a steel frame structure that transfer compressed loads to the base. The steel frame structure can be used to construct a skeleton in a building.

Structural steel framing is generally designed in accordance with the standards applicable to the American Institute for Steel Construction (AISC) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). Design, forging, and erection are done accordingly.

Steel frame construction is cost-effective and durable for building projects for high-rise, medium-rise, and low-rise, etc. Steel frame construction has become a sustainable and reliable method of construction in modern times. Therefore steel frame structure is widely used in the market.

The frame is usually covered in the form of fire-resistant structures such as masonry and concrete to protect it from fire. Because steel is prone to crack at high temperatures, this can lead to cracks in the building. In addition, there is a risk of collapse.

Bricks, stone, reinforced concrete, architectural glass, sheet metal are used to protect the steel frame structure from the weather.

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Use of Steel Frame Structures

1. To Build High Rise Buildings

Structural steel structure resists external forces like wind and earthquake. Therefore in such a steel frame structure, the steel member will not break but will bend against external factors like storms or earthquakes.

2. To Build Industrial Sheds

The cost of steel in the industrial frame structure is economically affordable. With the ready availability of column and beam sections in the steel frame structure, the industrial structure takes less time to build, and the work becomes faster. As a result, time and money can be saved.

3. To Build Residential Buildings

The steel frame structure is useful for the construction of residential buildings as it is able to withstand external forces like wind, earthquake, and storm. The quality of work can be maintained using a technology called light gauge steel construction for residential buildings.

4. To Build Bridges

Steel has high strength, durable and tensile strength. Such qualities in steel make it a viable option for engineers, designers, and fabricators to build monumental bridges, which can last longer.

5. To Build Parking Garages

The steel frame structure is useful for building a parking garage. The low weight of the structure makes it easy to construct these structures.

Coating steel frame structure can extend its lifespan. The coating on structures of steel structures makes it resistant to corrosion, mold, and worms.

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Advantages of Steel Frame Construction

Advantages of Steel Frame Construction

  1. The components of the member used in a steel frame structure are lighter and stronger than concrete products. The weight of a member of a steel structure is 30% lighter than the equivalent of forged wood.
  2. The use of members of steel frame structure has higher tensile strength than wood, bamboo, or concrete products.
  3. The members of the steel frame structure are ready. The steel member is lighter than the concrete member. As a result, the work is faster and less expensive.
  4. The members used in the steel frame structure are highly resistant to fire. Because the steel components are made of alloy metal.
  5. Special flame retardant coatings are applied over the steel frames to resist the fire of structural steel. So that its fire resistance can be increased.
  6. The steel frame structure is useful for building a parking garage. The low weight of the structure makes it easy to construct these structures.
  7. Steel has high strength, durable and tensile strength. Such qualities in steel make it a viable option for engineers, designers, and fabricators to build monumental bridges, which can last longer.

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Disadvantages of Steel Frame Construction

Disadvantages of Steel Frame Construction

  1. Buckling is a defect occurring in steel structures. As the length of the parts of the steel member increases, the probability of buckling increases.
  2. Steel is produced only at steel plants and transportation over long distances to the construction site becomes expensive.
  3. Parts of the steel structure have to be inspected periodically. Corrosion makes painting expensive.
  4. Despite the flexible material of its member in the steel frame structure, if one or more of its components do not fit properly into the structure. So improving the whole structure is challenging. Because the parts of the steel frame structure are strong and durable, no one will be able to repair it. Or it cannot be given any ideal shape.
  5. The frame is usually covered in the form of fire-resistant structures such as masonry and concrete to protect it from fire. Because steel is prone to crack at high temperatures, this can lead to cracks in the building. In addition, there is a risk of collapse.

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